PerfectContoursä Research The discovery that aminophylline, common treatment for asthma, reduced the size of fat cells was a major breakthrough in the treatment of body contouring problems due to fat. PerfectContours Solutionsä cellulite thigh cream "Smoothcontours"ä is one of the most intensively researched cosmetic products. This "miraculous" discovery has been formulated after 14 years of extensive research and clinical testing by two medical researchers, endocrinologists Dr. Frank Greenway and Dr. George Bray of the Pennington Bio-Medical Research Center at Louisiana State University. Also assisted in the latter stages, by Dr. Bruce Frome and Dr. Alfred Koonin, Los Angeles based physicians and medical researchers.These doctors' credentials are as impressive as the many clinical trials they have conducted. Tests have been performed at UCLA and Stanford University. In many trials, female subjects rubbed a teaspoon of the SmoothContoursä cellulite thigh cream on one leg every night and a placebo on the other leg. Neither the researchers nor the women knew which leg was being subjected to the thigh cream. After 6 weeks, the thigh treated with the patented aminophylline cream gave the appearance of thinner, smoother and firmer thighs. What Cellulite Is World wide overindulgence of high calorie foods has led to a sizable portion of the population gaining excess weight in the form of fat on the thighs, buttocks and the abdomen. Often even when the weight has been reduced, individuals, especially women, find that certain parts of their bodies, in particular thighs, take on a dimpled appearance. This is known as cellulite, which is difficult to "smooth" out. For more information on the subject of Cellulite, please refer to Bocé Body Sculpting Endermologieä or visit our Bocé BodySculpting webpage
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